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Best Practices for Managing Multiple WordPress Sites

For designers who maintain multiple websites, managing a constant flow of WordPress updates can be tricky. If you're not careful, sites can become outdated in a relatively short amount of time. Or, multiple sites could face problems if you're rushing to update them all without first checking for potential conflicts. Either way, it's not pretty.

30 Inspiring Animated Examples of Mobile UI Interactions

When presenting an app concept, storyboards and screenshots alone cannot fully drive the message home. If you want to capture your potential clients’ attention, showcasing your mobile app concept in GIF animation will make it more realistic, dynamic, and engaging.

Tips for Increasing Your Creative Output

No matter how good you are, everyone falls prey to inefficient workflows that rob them of their time and energy, not to mention limit their creative expression. These research-backed steps give creatives the tools to remove friction from their workflow, helping them produce better work - faster.

Top Freelance Jobs for Web Designers

Freelance Web Design Jobs are a lucrative part of the creative industry. It’s possible to earn thousands of dollars from the comfort of your own home. The last decade’s internet…